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The Supporting Siblings Project

Sibling Support Homepage

The relationship between siblings plays a very important role in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It is the longest relationship brothers and sisters will share and will out last that of the parent child relationship. However, siblings are often are often overlooked as needing support themselves. With this in mind, The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute created the Supporting Siblings Project. This initiative provides parents and organizations with the tools needed to support siblings throughout their life and offers siblings resources and community support.

What is a Sib?

The term "Sib" is part of a growing movement by siblings and is used when describing their role in the family. More than just a term for most sibs, it’s how a sib identifies themselves; it’s part of who they are.

Fact Sheets & Research

Looking for a sibling presentation?

Presentation Topics Include:

  • Supporting Siblings Throughout the Lifespan
  • Including Siblings in Future Planning

Table of Content

Support Groups

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute

M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm