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Community Housing and Supports

What is Supportive Housing?

Residential services within the community has been the preferred option for over 40 years. New Jersey was one of six states in the country operating the largest number of state-run institutions. New Jersey has made wonderful progress with increasing opportunities for individuals to live in communities and reduce the number of people living in state-operated developmental centers and psychiatric hospitals. In 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed in the Olmstead v. L.C decision that as established in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people could not be required to live in institutional settings if a less restrictive alternative could meet their needs.

Housing Options

Group Homes

Group homes or community residences are homes shared by residents who receive services from an agency that provides on-site staff 24 hours a day. A provider agency operates a licensed group home that serves between 4 and 6 residents with disabilities.

One example of this type of housing option can be found at The Arc of Hunterdon. The Arc of Hunterdon provides residential placement services for
individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities throughout Hunterdon County. They currently support group homes, supervised apartments, and supported living arrangements.

Home Sharing (Shared Living)

This is where a few unrelated people, with or without disabilities, share their resources and live in one home. This model often works best when the person with disabilities holds the lease and decides who they are going to room with. Housemates might receive payment in exchange for providing supportive services.

One example of this type of housing option can be found at Homesharing, Inc. was established in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit to provide shared affordable housing in Central New Jersey by professionally matching homeowners with those needing affordable housing
in our community.

Integrated Supported Housing

A multiple-unit housing community where 20% or fewer of the units are for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and tenants with special needs live among those without disabilities.

One example of this type of housing option is Project Freedom. Project Freedom is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that develops and operates barrier-free housing to enable individuals with disabilities to live independently. Supportive services such as recreation and advocacy are offered.

Intensive Specialized Group Home (Medical Group Home)

Individuals with significant medical, behavioral or psychiatric needs may need intensive staff support throughout the day. An intensive specialized group home could offer professional support such as nursing, applied behavior analysis, counseling, and therapeutic services. This option is to provide needed clinical supports and prepare the individual for a less restrictive living model.

One example of this type of housing option can be found at The Arc of Camden.  The homes are located throughout Camden County and provide services to individuals with a wide range of abilities and medical needs. A number of the homes are equipped and staffed to provide services to individuals who have medical involvement in addition to a developmental disability. Individuals must be referred by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to be eligible for services. Each program provides 24-hour supervision. 

Living with Family and Receiving In-Home Supports

This means that an individual with a disability receives supportive services delivered within his or her own home while living with family members. Services can include:

Personal Care Assistance


Applied Behavior Analysis

Crisis Intervention


Assistive Technology

Ask your Support Coordinator about In-Home Supports.

Supervised Apartments

An individual lives alone or with a roommate in an apartment with staff available to them on the premises for up to 24 hours a day.

One example of this type of housing option can be found at The Arc of Essex. You can even take a 360 Tour of one of their apartments.

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute

M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm