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Webinar: Supporting Siblings as They Grow: Meeting the Needs of Brothers & Sisters of Children with Disabilities

Monday, May 14, 2018
12:30 pm1:30 pm

In Celebration of Early Intervention Week 2018:

The relationship between brothers and sisters plays a very important role in the lives of both individuals with developmental disabilities and their siblings. In growing up with a brother or sister with a disability, the feelings and challenges experienced by siblings are often overlooked.

Supporting siblings may help to increase their understanding of their brother or sister’s special needs, ease their stress and anxiety in situations that occur in day to day life, support their emotional needs, and build a strong, loving, relationship with their brother or sister.

Join Helpful Hands NREIC and The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute as we discuss the many joys and challenges of growing up as a sibling of someone with a developmental disability.

The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute

M-F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm